Thursday, July 23, 2009


After having some drinks that night we got up early (6am East Coast Time) to check out the city.

II love the street signs here. Its confusing to navigate because some roads will change names literally every 2 blocks.

We checked out Arthur's Seat, a 250 meter hill right in the middle of town. From up top you can see the entire city as well as the North Sea and surrounding countryside.

On the mountain you can see the snow-flex carpets for snowboarding. I didn't bring my stuff so I doubt I'll be testing it out.

Salisbury Crags bottom right. Rock Castle in the middle.

North Sea.

Queens Palace

Later we walked down to check out the rest of the city.

New Parliament Building. Apparently it was supposed to cost $50mil and ended up costing $500mil. Oops.

Wojtek checking out some art by the Parliment building.

Police. They dont have guns but can beat you with sticks. Good thing I'm not driving in Europe.

Speaking of cars, in England people drive on the left side of the road, obviously. This makes it very confusing to try to cross the road. The first time I jaywalked I was almost hit by a car because I was looking left instead of right. I pride myself in my street crossing abilities, but this new traffic really throws me off, especially at multi-intersections and round-abouts.

I'm trying to infect as many people as I can.

I love these phone booths.

We ran into a bunch of street performers on a Wednesday afternoon. I think there is some sort of festival coming up.

The architecture in old town is pretty cool. Reminds me a lot of Poland. Lots of churches. Narrow streets. Old dark stone buildings.

Royal Mile.

Rock Castle.

Meadow Park, just north of Wojtek's place. The grass here is amazing. The whole park is like a golf course (golf happens to be super popular here). The weather is perfect for it. Never gets below freezing in the winter, Mild in the summer, and consistent rain.

We found a dude!

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